Customised Stanno Football Kits – Special Designs to Choose From

Customising is perhaps one of your concerns as a purchaser. If you are looking for Stanno football kits, you have the option to ask your dealers to provide you with a list of options. Isn’t that considered a very lucky purchase? Having your Stanno football kits personalised will make your team look unique amongst other team using this very trusted product.

Stanno football kits are known for providing versatile options to patrons who love playing football. You get your favourite colours for your shirts, pants and jackets. You also get the chance to order accessories that you and the entire team may utilise during the game and during your training. Adding a better option in your list of product considerations are customised or specially-designed goods from the company.

What items do kits customise?

There are different items that Stanno football kits and its dealers accept for customising purposes. You have the licence to order specialised shirts for your football club. Creating your own jersey is very simple. You may ask your teammates’ consensus regarding this matter. If one of you has a creative mind and hand, allow that person to make your team’s design.

Another product customised by kits is your team socks. Gone are the days when your preference was limited to only one colour. Now, if your team wishes to have more colours in your socks, you may have it customised by the company. Just like with your shirts, you may make your creative mind think of what is best for the team. Of course, you should see to it that it also matches your shirts colours.

What is the process in customising Stanno football kits?

Contacting a local Stanno dealer is the first major step in having your jerseys and socks customised. By doing so, it will be easier for you to present your team’s design to these professionals. Additionally, you will also be able to pick-up the items in a shorter period of time than transacting directly with the company. From this, the following steps are also considered:

1. Handing-over of designs to MJP. MJP is a Dutch Design Lab that specialises in customising your football jerseys. This trusted name in the business is responsible in putting your designs to your shirts and socks.

2. Your team sponsors may also have their own part in the jersey. Additionally, the company will consider the essence of your team sponsors in your game. If you wish to include them on your shirts and on your socks, you may do so. Just specify it whilst you order for your customised Stanno football kits.

Customising your Stanno football kits is made easy with the help of these professionals. It is best to go to your local Stanno dealer than to rely in other ways to have your shirts and socks customised. Even if you need to pay a little bit higher with these experts making your Stanno football kits, you are assured of the quality of the product you will get. The price you will pay will speak for the excellence of the output.